Podcast interview

Listen here for a podcast interview I had with Chantelle of Soluna Medicines where we speak about the voice and womb connection. Learning to use our voice and tell our stories as women. Lessons on how we have personally developed a relationship with our pelvis, voice, sexuality and all things related. What our personal experiences with pregnancy loss were like, what they taught & are still teaching us. Note: Anyone is welcome to tune into this episode, but you may find it most relevant to you if you are a woman or female bodied TW: Miscarriage and abortion stories are shared. Connect with Chantelle here

My life as a sound practitioner

Sound Is Medicine

We are made up of approximately 70/80% water which makes the human body a perfect conductor for sound vibrations.

Sacred Sound Journeys are helpful for everything from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure and many other ailments.

These sessions are also perfect for letting go of what no longer serves AND calling in what you desire to manifest!

We are all vibrational beings, and sound can be an incredible technique for healing.

Sound therapy helps to improve our multidimensional wellbeing while awakening the layers of our luminous energy field!

I was singing before I could talk, I have always been a vocalist. From being in chorus all through my school years to then sharpening my craft by performing in bands for many years, my love for music has only grown. I very much enjoy many forms of music and sound! I Play guitar and a little ukulele as well

Always a caretaker; from massage therapy to home health aide and now Reiki Master/Sound practitioner. It’s my passion to be in the realm of healing!

“This medicine woman is helping others to find the light and healing within themselves by holding a sacred container and being a channel through which spirit works.

The quartz crystal singing bowls line up with the chakras at the healing frequency of 432hz. 

Handmade shamanic medicine drum, rune inscribed rain-stick, Gong and many other instruments all complemented by enchanting vocals. This makes for a very healing and memorable meditative experience.

Private healing sessions, single, duo, & family sessions. Baby showers, bridal showers, birthday celebrations, Goddess gatherings and more. Or just make it a reason to get together with a group of friends.

Weather your looking for a deep profound experience of healing, or just a relaxing laid back chill vibe. Sound Journeys can be just what you didn’t know you were looking for!


In Home Sacred Sound Journey


60 Min $124

90 Min $166

$33 per extra person

Reiki Energy Healing

(Offering Distance, Hands on or hovering)

In person/Distance

30 min $40/$33

45 min $55/$44

60 min $77/$66

75 min $99/$88

90 min $124/$111

Add in sound healing instruments for extra charge, simply inquire

Shamanic Medicine drum





Metal bowls from Nepal (can be placed on the body)

New location for in person sessions!

95 Plaistow rd, Plaistow, NH

Photo cred: Andy Twyman Photography

Allow yourself to be enveloped in the energies that will gently and lovingly enter your mind, body, soul and spirit through the vibration of sound!

Attune your Frequency today!

Attune your Frequency today!

Live sessions

Sound healing sessions can be held indoors or outdoors where you can vibe with nature and connect to Mother Earth.


“Jessica has a natural ability to tap into the energy of the cosmos. Her voice alone is a gift to this world. The experience is soothing and uplifting, many times with deep and profound effects. My first time with a sound bath from her unlocked many blockages I had towards my mother, a very emotional and clearing experience.”

-Michael Pirrello

“I have been able to release negative energy within. I’ll never be able to thank you enough. I feel so much stronger and in control, thank you for showing me how to see the strength in myself”

- Ariel Brekka

“Jessica is incredible! A natural-born singer and a fabulous musician. I have attended many sound baths, and hers topped them all. Her voice and the resonance that I felt in my body blew me away. I highly recommend finding out how sound can heal with Songbird Soul Healing!”

-Wendy Walter

“Complete bliss and higher vibrations, the sound bath with Jessica was incredibly loving and authentic thru her music and mediation. She's intuitive and powerful. The experience was beyond words, my heart is full. I'm so eager to see and hear more of Songbird Soul healing with crystal bowls, gong, and beautiful voice plus Reiki!”

-Anna Colom

‘Jessica is masterful and her sound immersion bath was a phenomenal and complete experience. I am still vibrating peaceful energy from her full moon session and I realize that I can benefit from a regular "tune-up"! Thank you Jessica”

-Carl Treichel